How YOU Place yourself and your goals on YOUR Priority list determines EVERYTHING.
Remember, goals are not wish lists. They are active wants and if you are working with me then they are active, set in stone plans that have a well thought out path to reach that end vision.
So often, I see people treat goals as wish lists…mere wisps of thoughts or more lip service to appease their unhappy mental state with their current physique. With undefined terms and plans they end up distracted, thrown off track and find themselves in a place of being unmotivated again – and frustrated!
When you set your nutrition goals, it's essential to look at your priorities first.
Why? If you have a goal to lose body fat, but you haven't made that possible by way of your other priorities, it's not going to happen. Sometimes, a shift in priorities can be a huge eye-opener.
Acknowledge your goals, list out your priorities, decide on ONE habit to focus on to start.
What will it be?
• Prioritize rest. If you are working with me then you know this is a common question I ask regularly. Sleep is crucial for recovery.
• Slow down when you eat. Be mindful of your mealtimes. Playing on your phone while eating leads to an empty plate before your mentally ready for it to be empty!
• Meal Prep ahead for the week!!!!! I cannot stress this enough. Plan for your day. Don’t just fly by the seat of your pants and hope it all works out in the end. Thought and effort goes a long, long way in telling yourself you are important.
• Pack your food for work or when you leave the house. Don’t leave the door unprepared and then blame activities for your downfall.
We often complain about time for these things, and there will always be opportunities to sabotage. You will make it a lot easier on yourself if you can prioritize the things you need to do to set yourself up for success.
These become your non-negotiables and will determine your progress.
You are not the only one out there with a full schedule of jobs, family, carpooling, sporting events, etc.
It’s time to stop with the excuses. The bottom line is that you are not making it a priority. If this is the case it would be mentally freeing for you to just admit this and either rectify it or establish a more attainable goal
What’s on your list of things to change? Where do you place yourself and your health and fitness goals?
You CAN do this. You just have to want to.