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Fit Shaming / Body Shaming

Hey friends!! Today I’d like us to chat a little about body shaming in general but more specifically “Fit Shaming”

Every now and then we come across incidents of people body shaming other people on social media and face to face. We all have experienced these types of situations in our day to day lives. That, “oh, he/she is so skinny, does they even eat?” Or the ever present, “yeah you must be fun to hang out with...have a donut” or “oh yeah, he/she can’t do might mess up their routine.”

I agree that everyone has their preferences when it comes to body image but calling someone else's fitness regime “too much” or restrictive or boring or any other adjective you can think of just because they work and are conscientious of their nutritional habits is not only rude and insensitive but is also highly unacceptable.

My theory: You Do You.

Never allow “friends” or co-workers to belittle your efforts. This type of shaming is not ok. Ever. Period. You find that voice and politely or impolitely —however you roll —say, ”I don’t recall asking your opinion.”

I have run into a myriad of these types of comments or innuendos. From “yeah what surgeries have you had” to “what cycle (Steroids) you taking?” To “don’t get too big that’s not feminine..” and the list goes on.

First let me say I have had zero surgeries outside of an emergency C section. If surgeries were an option I’d have my boobs done lol. It is not for me. I have a terrible fear of going under the knife. Hell I begged and pleaded with my OBGYN to attempt to deliver my last breached baby in any way he could. Second, steroids are not my jam. I’m 100% natty and find that extremely ignorant —if this was all I could achieve while cycling I would never post my progress. And then there’s the feminine comments. See-here we simply respond with, “I’m not working for my body goals to appease your ideas of what a woman should look like.”

I fully understand my body aesthetic goals are not for everyone. I’m ok with that. In fact more than ok. I’m working to appease myself when I look in the mirror and that’s the bottom line. You need to be happy with you. Not anyone else’s opinion of you.

This is about you taking charge of your body and your health. Never allow someone that control over your efforts to better yourself due to their own mis-perceptions or ignorance of your accomplishments or work in progress.

Bottom line: Have respect for yourself and keep going.

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