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Don’t let fear hold you back.

Have you ever been so afraid of failing at your fitness goals that you decided not to try at all?

Many of us have probably experienced this at one time or another. The fear of failing or letting ourselves down can be immobilizing – it can cause us to do nothing, and resist moving forward at all.

But when we allow fear to stop our ability to reach our goals, we're likely to miss all the amazing benefits that “trying” and success has to offer!!

Many of us have been afraid of failing, at some point in time. But fear of failure is when we allow that fear to stop us from doing the things that can move us forward to achieve the goals we have for ourselves.

We can choose to see failure as the be all-end all, or as proof of how inadequate we see ourselves. Or, we can look at failure as an incredible learning experience. If we should find ourselves in a position of where we have failed at an attempt of something, we can choose to look for the lesson presented in that moment.

These lessons are very important! They're how we grow, and how we keep from making that same mistake again. They teach us new methods of approach to reach those benchmarks we have set. Failures can only stop us if we let them have the power to do so.

Stop and reflect on the opportunities you'll miss if you let your fear of failure stop you. How will you know if you don’t, at the very least, try?

Set goals.

Visualize those goals into fruition. That’s where I come in to help you make an attainable plan. I stand by your side every step of the way and catch you when you fall. I get you back on your feet and moving in the right direction each and every time. That’s what a good coach does. I am your biggest fan! Your confidante and advisor.

So let go of that negative inner voice and reach out. Your health will thank you !!!

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